
日本與臺灣一向相互扶持,共同前進。透過此次日本參訪行程,國立屏東大學陳永森校長一行來到香川大學,為未來的合作開創更多可能性,開啟了兩校交流的新篇章。Japan and Taiwan have always supported each other and moved forward together. Through this visit to Japan, President Robert Chen of National Pingtung University and his delegation arrived at Kagawa University, creating more possibilities for future cooperation and opening a new chapter in the exchanges between the two universities.
國立屏東大學校長陳永森在會中表示:“今天非常榮幸能夠來到香川大學進行交流參訪。香川大學是日本享有盛名的高等學府,我代表屏東大學對貴校的熱情接待與支持表示由衷的感謝。”President Chen of National Pingtung University stated in the meeting: “It is a great honor to visit and exchange with Kagawa University today. Kagawa University is a prestigious higher education institution in Japan. On behalf of Pingtung University, I sincerely thank your university for the warm reception and support.”
Kagawa University upholds the educational philosophy of "Unity of Knowledge and Action, Integrity and Responsibility," emphasizing the integration of theory and practice. The university is dedicated to cultivating students' comprehensive qualities and innovative abilities. It offers a diverse range of academic disciplines, covering the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and has extensive international exchange programs aimed at broadening students' global perspectives. Additionally, Kagawa University places a strong emphasis on social responsibility and environmental protection, actively encouraging students to participate in volunteer services and sustainable development activities, fostering excellent talents with a sense of social responsibility and international competitiveness.
國立屏東大學位於台灣南部,由國立屏東教育大學及國立屏東商業技術學院合併而成。前身為創校於1930年的國立屏東教育大學,目前師生總數約9000人。台日兩國友誼深厚,雙方在彼此遭遇困難時總是能夠立即伸出援手。本校與香山大學的交流活動更是歷史悠久,自疫情結束以來,屏東大學積極恢復國際交流活動,此次參訪滿濃町並與町長簽訂交流協定,正是雙方友誼的最佳見證。我們期盼屏東大學與香川大學能夠建立姐妹校關係,並在雙方簽署的合作備忘錄(MOU)架構下,針對學術交流、師生互訪與交換,推動兩校長期的合作與發展。National Pingtung University is located in southern Taiwan, formed by the merger of National Pingtung University of Education and National Pingtung Institute of Commerce. Its predecessor, National Pingtung University of Education, was founded in 1930, and the current student and faculty population is about 9,000. The friendship between Taiwan and Japan is profound, with both countries always ready to assist each other in times of difficulty. The exchange activities between our university and Kagawa University have a long history. Since the end of the pandemic, Pingtung University has actively resumed international exchange activities. This visit to Mannō Town and the signing of an exchange agreement with the mayor is the best testament to the friendship between the two parties. We look forward to establishing a sister school relationship between Pingtung University and Kagawa University. Under the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by both parties, we aim to promote long-term cooperation and development through academic exchanges, faculty and student visits, and exchanges.
此次交流的重點著重於未來本校人文社會學院和香川大學經濟學部將展開學術合作,主要以共同授課課程為主,進一步促進兩校學生和教職員的互動。此外,雙方的自然科學領域也將展開深入合作,特別是本校的資訊學院和理學院將與香川大學在半導體和人工智慧(AI)課程上進行研究和教學合作。香川大學並承諾每年固定選送學生至屏東大學進行交換學習,這將進一步鞏固兩校之間的學術交流與合作。期許未來能夠從學院對學院的合作,逐步擴展到學校對學校的全方位合作,實現國際學術資源的最佳化。The focus of this meeting is on the future academic cooperation between our College of liberal arts and Social Sciences and Kagawa University's Faculty of Economics, primarily through joint courses. This will further promote interaction between students and faculty of both universities. In addition, both parties will engage in in-depth cooperation in the field of natural sciences. Specifically, our College of Computer Science and College of Science will collaborate with Kagawa University in research and teaching on semiconductor and artificial intelligence (AI) courses. Kagawa University also promises to send students to Pingtung University for exchange studies every year, further consolidating the academic exchange and cooperation between the two universities. We hope to gradually expand the cooperation from college-to-college to comprehensive university-to-university collaboration, optimizing international academic resources.
最後,我們希望透過此次交流訪問,為兩校奠定深厚的友誼和合作基礎。在雙方的共同努力下,國際化的進程中將留下國立屏東大學與香川大學的足跡。陳校長並祝願香川大學所有師長、同學身體健康,未來的交流合作順利成功,兩校攜手共創美好未來。Lastly, we hope that this exchange visit will lay a solid foundation for the friendship and cooperation between the two universities. With the joint efforts of both parties, the internationalization process will bear the marks of both National Pingtung University and Kagawa University. President Chen also wishes all the faculty and students of Kagawa University good health and success in future exchange and cooperation, as the two universities work hand in hand to create a bright future.